Copyright Information
All designs on this web site, and all designs created by Scheme Designers, Inc. are copyrighted. No paint scheme may be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without the express prior written permission of Scheme Designers, Inc.
What is copyrighted?
- Base drawings are created by Scheme Designers, Inc. for use in creating paint scheme designs for its clients. Should you wish to obtain a base drawing of an aircraft for personal use, contact Scheme Designers, Inc. for permission and we will be glad to share it with you. Base drawings are not shared for commercial purposes, and are not to be used for any commercial purpose without the express prior written permission of Scheme Designers.
- Paint Schemes and Vinyl Designs are the creative output of Scheme Designers. Design work is created at the request of Scheme Designers client via paid design projects. Renderings and photos shown throughout this web contain copyrighted artwork create for specific clients. Artwork is shown here to illustrate the depth of experience of Scheme Designers, Inc. Artwork is not shown here for site visitors to freely save for use on their aircraft or for any other purpose.
Why is our work copyrighted?
Each aircraft drawing and each paint scheme or vinyl design illustrated on this web site is the result of significant effort and on our artistic and technical expertise. We put our experience and knowledge to work for a living. We are a real company, with real overhead, expenses, payroll and families to support. Stealing a design for use on your aircraft or for some other purpose denies us the benefit of that work, and directly impacts our ability to successfully continue our business.
Further, design work shown here is the result of paid contracts by individual clients. We work hard to avoid duplication of any client’s custom design work without that client’s permission. Clients have an expectation that their design will be a one-off custom design. Copying their design without permission directly impacts that client’s rights.
What are the repercussions of stealing a design?
Simply asking a paint shop to copy a design from a photograph a single renderings forces the paint shop to employ a lot of guesswork, as you are denying them the benefit of our detailed dimensioned drawings and written specifications. Inevitably, the design does not end up accurately on the aircraft, and most frequently that means that curves are wrongs, stripes are too skinny, and spaces too thick.
Copyrighting our work protects Scheme Designers and its clients from designs being used by anyone else without permission. The international copyright laws are designs to be strongly in favor of the copyright holder. There have been numerous cases where clients of our have been sufficiently upset that their scheme has been copied. In every case, they have sued and won. The best outcome for the offending party was no damages, but they had to repaint their aircraft. Infringement turned into an expensive mistake.
The best approach is to avoid stealing designs. That way, you will avoid an infringement action. In general, aircraft owners are individuals of means – and when they are upset about someone stealing design work they have paid for, they have no issue calling their attorney to deal with it. It is much better to call Scheme Designers and let us help you avoid copyright issues all together.
So what should you do if you want to copy our work?
Call us. We will work with the client for whom the paint scheme was designed to either obtain permission to use the design, or we will create a new design for you that does not infringe. In addition to the peace of mind of knowing that you have not infringed on our copyright, you will end up with a beautiful scheme along with a detailed set of dimensioned drawings and written specifications to help your paint shop accurately apply the scheme to your aircraft. It’s a win-win solution!
Other Copyright Information:
Every scheme is copyrighted (some are also registered copyrights; resulting in significantly increased damages should one lose a copyright infringement law suit).
- Scheme Designers, Inc. owns the copyright to all work it produces.
- Should a client wish to acquire the copyright to a design, they can negotiate acquisition with Scheme Designers, Inc.
- Any use of the scheme by anyone other than the client and Scheme Designers, Inc. for any purpose whatsoever is considered an infringement of the copyright and is subject to enforcement of the copyright by Scheme Designers, Inc. and/or its clients.